"Barcay Sunset" from Fragrance and Flame, a captivating candle that embodies the essence of a tranquil ocean breeze caressed by tropical botanicals, resting on a base of watery musk and wild driftwood. This exquisite creation combines the refreshing notes of watery sea, delicate floral orchids, and lush bamboo, balanced with the sweetness of mango, musk, and wood. "Barcay Sunset" exudes a relaxing and alluring fragrance, enveloping your space with the spirit of a serene sunset by the ocean. Embrace moments of peace and escape, as this candle brings the essence of a tropical paradise into your home, leaving you feeling surrounded by the soothing sounds of the sea.

Experience the magic of "Barcay Sunset" as it infuses your surroundings with the beauty and allure of a tropical oasis. Let this candle become an integral part of your space, offering a fragrant journey that transports you to a blissful haven, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and embraced by the serenity of a beachfront sunset.

$16.99 17 OZ

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